Central to the children's formation is the time spend in work (Freiarbeit). Here the children can choose what, where and with whom they want to tackle a task, suitable to their level and under the supervision of one of the teachers.
Maria Montessori has developed for this purpose a lot of special teaching material on the basis of her observations on the developmental stages of the child.
Towards the end of a semester the child gets feedback on the work done during the past months, what new topics and skills have been learned. The details from this more formal evaluation are recorded in a special folder (Pensenbuch).This is the time that the parents have an opportunity to meet the teacher, whereby information is shared about the progress on the cognitive level, touched upon social skills and looked at the personal development of the child.
The children receive also feedback in a more informal and continuous way during the year and that helps them to focus and to set new targets to be achieved.